Buff Buff Tatanka Tatanka

Episode 235 · July 15th, 2024 · 32 mins 32 secs

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Jake's heart pounded as he raced through the hospital corridors toward the ER. His thoughts were a whirl of concern and confusion. Theo had always been the calm and collected one, but hearing him so panicked had sent Jake into overdrive. He burst through the double doors of the ER, scanning the chaotic scene for Theo.

Theo stood near the entrance, his face a mask of desperation. When he saw Jake, he rushed forward, grabbing his arm. "Jake, it's my brother, Clint. Something's terribly wrong. Please, you have to help him!"

They sprinted down the hall together, the fluorescent lights blurring overhead. They reached the operating room door, and Jake pushed it open, immediately confronted with the intense scene inside. Nurses and doctors were working frantically around the operating table where Clint lay, his body convulsing as the medical team tried to revive him.

Jake's x-ray vision activated instinctively, and he saw it—the shadowy figure from his nightmares, a dark mass clutching Clint's heart. It squeezed and pulsed with malevolent intent, disrupting the rhythm of the organ with every contraction.