Paused Commando

Episode 234 · June 17th, 2024 · 33 mins 58 secs

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Theo's insight about Jake's x-ray vision had struck a chord. Maybe it wasn't just a curse but a part of him that needed understanding and management. The trip to the cabin was a reminder to take care of himself amidst his extraordinary abilities.

Back at the hospital, Jake approached his patients with a newfound empathy and patience, grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in their lives. The memory of the dark figure still lingered in the back of his mind, but it no longer held the power to paralyze him with fear.

Time passed and things fell into a rhythm until one evening at the end of a shift. His phone rang. It was Theo. He was panicked, speaking in short bursts. He wasn’t himself.

“Jake, where are you? I need you in the ER. Please, it’s my brother!”